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Parent Self Care Retreat

Parent Self Care Retreat




Parent Self Care Retreat

The Perch- a resting place

The Perch- a resting place


Sunday, April 06

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The Perch- a resting place

140 S River St Unit 114, Aurora, IL 60506

(630) 907-7173

The Perch- a resting place

Take the Break You Desperately Need!

Being a parent is incredibly hard and even draining. We love our kids, and we're trying to raise them to be caring, kind adults--all while dealing with our own trauma and unhelpful generational cycles. It's mentally taxing as we have to remember what our kids like for lunch these days and to charge the iPad and to fill out the permission slip. We worry if we're doing enough, if they're getting enough vegetables, and if we yelled too much this week.

Take some time to refill and refresh with this retreat created just for parents. In this peaceful, supportive space, you'll enjoy time to relax and be cared for. No one asking for more goldfish or more screentime--just time to relax and refresh. This retreat is designed to help you deeply rest and refresh so you can keep doing the important work you do as a parent. Join us Sunday, April 6 for this restful and refreshing afternoon in supportive community.

Here's our schedule for the day:

1:00-1:30 pm: Welcome, Coffee, Tea, and Snacks to help us arrive in this space and this place

1:30-2:00 pm: Gentle Chair Yoga with simple stretching and guided meditation

2:00-2:30 pm: Engaging Teaching on Self-Care for Parents with Amy Jackson

2:30-3:30 pm: Guided Restful Activities including self-reflection (the most-loved time of retreat attendees!)

3:30-4:00 pm: Debrief Session to connect with others and realize we're not alone

4:00-5:00 pm: Sound Healing Session to invite you into deep healing rest before we send you on your way

Registration will end on April 4 or earlier if it sells out.

Register here:

The Perch is a Wellness Center helping you rest, heal, and grow.

Thank You to Our Platinum & Gold Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


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