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Cheers, Queers!

Cheers, Queers!





Monday, April 07

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Giardino Trattoria & Pizzeria

12 N River Street, Aurora, IL 60506

Giardino Trattoria & Pizzeria

We're collaborating with our friends on the Aurora LGBTQ+ Advisory Board in April!

Join us Monday, April 7 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. for Cheers, Queers, a relaxed get-together to mix and mingle with LGBTQIA+ adults and allies.

We're meeting at Giardino Trattoria & Pizzeria at 12 N. River Street in Aurora. Drop in on and look for the queerest people in the room. You’ll know us when you see us. Enjoy some appetizers sponsored by the Aurora LGBTQ+ Advisory Board!

If you'd love to be there but don't drink, come and enjoy an appetizer and a non-alcoholic beverage. If you need to save your cash right now, please join us anyway! No purchase is required.

At this special Cheers, Queers in Aurora, you can enter a drawing to win 2 tickets to Cats (The Musical) at the Paramount Theater this spring! $5 per ticket, 5 tickets for $20. All proceeds go to the Denee Mallon Scholarship Fund.

This fund is for LGBTQ Aurora residents seeking to pursue higher education in either a two-year college, four-year college, university, or trade school.

On October 15, 2014, Denee Anne Mallon became the first transgender woman to have her gender reassignment surgery entirely covered by Medicare. Denee was a proud Army veteran who, at age 74, put together a case with the help of civil rights attorney Mary Lou Boelcke, fought the government, and won!

Denee lived in Aurora for the last eight years of her life with her partner, Paulene Spika, before her passing on February 4, 2022.

Denee's dedication to living her life as her authentic self and persistence in the face of adversity drove her to open the door to lifesaving care for thousands of transgender people on Medicare. This scholarship in her name is one of the few nationwide that support LGBTQ people seeking higher education.

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